Unitarian Links
The Unitarian Church in Stockton is an independent congregation. It belongs to a large network of independent congregations in Britain called the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches. The congregation of Stockton Unitarian Church is a member of the Northern Unitarian Association (NUA).
General Assembly
This link will take you to the website of the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches.
National Unitarian Fellowship
The NUF is a unique postal and e-mail fellowship, with an online discussion forum. Contacts may be made with other national and international groups with similar interests.
Newcastle upon Tyne Unitarians
This religious community meets in The Unitarian Church, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Newcastle is our sister church in the NUA district. Services at 11.00am
St Saviourgate Unitarian Chapel
St Saviourgate Unitarian Chapel, York is Stockton's nearest neighbour to the south. York is in the Yorkshire Unitarian Union (YUU) and their services are held at 11.00am each Sunday.
Nightingale Centre
This is a popular holiday and conference centre at Great Hucklow in Derbyshire called the Nightingale Centre. It is used for adult RE, group and self-development course, special weekends for children and young people. There are many inter-generational activities such as winter walking weekends. Congregations, groups, families and friends meet to spend time there year after year. The Centre also caters for holidays for deprived children from inner cities, paid for by the charity, Send-a-Child-to-Hucklow.
Mill Hill Chapel
Mill Hill Chapel, City Square, Leeds is another neighbouring church, also in the Yorkshire Unitarian Union. Their services are held at 10.45am and 6.00pm every Sunday. Additional services on Wednesday lunchtimes at 1.15pm and Thursdays at 6.15pm. Minister Rev Jo James.
Other Links
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